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About Us

Our Story

Sensei : sehn-sey (Japanese) “teacher, mentor”

Sensei Dave Mansfield began practicing martial arts at age 12, and from that time knew he wanted to share this art with others. Breakthrough Martial Arts is a blended system developed through his years of experience in the styles of: Tae Kuk Mu Sol (Korean), Kobudo (Japanese), and the Kovars Satori Academy (American/Japanese Kenpo). Breakthrough’s value is not only in its self-defense teachings, but that through its curriculum, students are taught to become leaders themselves. Sensei Mansfield’s mission is to empower his students to realize their full potential; both as individuals and as part of a team.

Breakthrough Background

Martial arts

The Breakthrough Academy self-defense curriculum is designed to be practical, ensuring that students of all strengths, sizes, and skills can learn to defend themselves effectively.

Student Creed

  1. I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth or my physical health
  2. I intend to develop self discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others
  3. I intend to use what I learn in class constructively and defensively to help myself and others and never be abusive or offensive

Principles of a Black Belt

I will lead by example.
I will use Wisdom, Empathy, and Bravery
to prove my honor.

As a dedicated student of the martial arts,
I will live by the principles of the Black Belt:
Modesty, Courtesy, Integrity
Determination, and Indomitable Spirit.